a final word about online portfolios
The creation and/or curation of an ePortfolio has been one of the most practical aspects of my college career. My final semester is...
another reflection post
As is tradition, at the end of a class for which I've been required to create an online portfolio, it's time to look at the benefits of...

how Gloria Steinem's "boys are with Bernie" comment hurts women
In a February 5 interview with Bill Maher, feminist author and speaker Gloria Steinem made the impossibly ironic comment that young women...

permeable ego boundaries: masculine or feminine?
How permeable are your ego boundaries? If you have more permeable ego boundaries, how do these enrich your life and relationships? How...

expectations for gender communication: then and now
Describe/reflect on: (a) one interaction with your parent(s) or guardian(s) (the earliest you can remember) that communicated...

COMM 315: Dialogue #1
What was the easiest part of setting up your Wix account? What was the most challenging part of setting up your Wix account? How...

reflection post: comm 401
This is the fourth class I've taken at Old Dominion University that has required either the creation or curation of an ePorftolio, so...

persuasion summary
I can't say enough great things about an online portfolio, and in today's job market, especially in communication, marketing and public...

communication & personality: being an ENTJ in the workplace
I've always been a bit of a psych nerd, and I love studying personality and psychological attributes as they relate to interaction. So I...

metal persuasion: an architectural analysis
An unique sculpture guards the entrance to Paradise Creek Nature Park on the edges of Portsmouth, Virginia's grungy industrial district...