COMM 315: Dialogue #1

What was the easiest part of setting up your Wix account? What was the most challenging part of setting up your Wix account? How confident do you feel in your professional or online presence at this time? In other words, are you excited about your Wix page, or is there an area where you feel you’ll need a lot of attention or expansion – i.e. – resume, sample writing, etc.? How do you think your social media presence reflects your professional self? How do you use these platforms to highlight your abilities? (This will be useful for comparison at the end of the semester.) What questions do you have at this stage of the ePortfolio project?
The easiest part of setting up my Wix account was the fact that it was already set up -- I've been curating this ePorftolio for about 3 semesters now, so I've gotten used to using Wix. I feel fairly confident in my professional online appearance at this time, although I always see room for improvement.
I enjoy that my Wix page combines professionalism with humor, and hopefully that helps communicate my personality and "personal brand." One way I want to expand is by blogging regularly on communication/PR and other related topics that would help set me apart in my field. I would also like to work on revising my "course projects" or portfolio page to show only my best and most relevant work, and that would mean adding quite a few projects that I don't currently have posted. I think my social media presence is fairly consistent: I tend to be goofy, quirky, but very dedicated to what I do. I definitely need to work on streamlining though -- my Wix/ePorftolio/blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all need to be more connected and consistent. For example, something as simple as a consistent profile picture would help quite a bit. I also don't really connect my personal Facebook account with my professional world, although I could because many Facebook connections I have are also work, career, internship or other business connections. Right now, I don't think I have any questions about this stage of the ePortfolio project, but I look forward to improving mine over the semester.